Saas Processes Pvt. Ltd.


Saas Processes Pvt. Ltd.'s focus is Business Process Management, especially Process Automation. It is a 21st century company, passionate about making our world a green, paper-free world, where people can leverage the Internet to work anytime, from anywhere. The company offers all of its products and services in SaaS, i.e., Software-as-a-Service, mode.

Listed below are the company's products, built using its in-house developed Object-oriented Database and Process Automation technologies.

Process Automation Solutions


Zero Code Workflow Automation System

Processes Online

Java-based Software Platform for Process Automation

Software Solutions for Education


Decision Support System for university departments


Platform for offering courses and degrees online
Students can enroll anytime

ERP Software Solutions

ERP Fundamentals

ERP Software for SMEs

Club Management System

ERP Software for Clubs

ERP App Suite

A suite of 3 business applications

Board of Directors

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